This is basically a mirror of my LinkedIn profile, with enhanced linking.


âš“ About

I've been doing Common Lisp related work intensively for 15+ years, including more than a decade of Common Lisp Open Source. I am a top Common Lisp Open Source contributor. I am the sole author and maintainer of 30+ ready-to-use Public Domain Common Lisp libraries in Quicklisp. I made the modern public domain CLOS MOP specification, one of our most important resources, based on Robert Strandh's work, itself based on AMOP. I am the sole author and maintainer of multiple important Common Lisp community resources such as the Common Lispers list, the epic FORMAT table, and the still incomplete yet already useful "Notes and tips: Standard Common Lisp symbols" article.

See all my contributions at HexstreamSoft, which was #1 Common Lisp site (peaking at top 185k) according to Alexa from October 2020 to mid-February 2021. The site trended upwards for 80 consecutive days (with 2 trivial exceptions) from 4 september 2020 to 24 november 2020, and the absolutely insane site engagement metrics peaked at 10 daily pageviews per visitor, 40:07 daily time on site and 22.5% bounce rate on 6 march 2021, indicating intense interest in my work.

I am spearheading the nascent movement to make Common Lisp a top 5 programming language by 2040. I believe this is eminently achievable given proper approaches.
Please support me on GitHub Sponsors! My profile there provides a good overview of my Common Lisp Open Source work.

I am interested in connecting with (almost) everyone interested in Common Lisp! Regardless, feel free to reach out should you perceive fruitful avenues for collaboration.

I have more than a decade of experience with Linux, Emacs, touch typing Dvorak (currently 80 wpm) on TypeMatrix 2030 and StumpWM, an emacs-like tiling window manager written in Common Lisp.

I recently switched to the Planck EZ, which is at least 20x better than TypeMatrix 2030. I am using a heavily customized original configuration of my own design. I highly recommend the Planck EZ to all serious computer professionals.

I have extensive experience writing responsive websites in raw standards-compliant semantic HTML5, CSS3 and progressively-enhanced unobstrusive JavaScript. (I would greatly prefer to write it all in Common Lisp, but my infrastructure is not there yet.) I created and am managing 25+ subdomains across 4 main websites and my uptime is at or around 100% every month according to my custom public global status page. All my sites are currently hosted on one 5$/month DigitalOcean VPS behind Cloudflare, with plenty of capacity to spare. I am looking to migrate to Cloudflare Workers.

âš“ Background

⚓ Background » Experience

⚓ Background » Education

âš“ Skills

âš“ Accomplishments

⚓ Accomplishments » Projects

30+ ready-to-use libraries in Quicklisp

Dec 2010 – Present

I am the sole author and maintainer of 30+ ready-to-use Public Domain Common Lisp libraries in Quicklisp. (Excluding CLHS part of CLHS ASDF wrapper.)

Most of them are simple, some of them are highly innovative, all of them are useful in some way.

I love making highly focused, lightweight, single-issue libraries. I have started adapting my extreme modularity skills to bigger, higher impact projects.

Some top highlights:

- compatible-metaclasses completely solves an important and traditionally nearly intractable problem using a very innovative and simple solution. Features a metametaclass!

- canonicalized-initargs finally provides a pleasant standard solution after decades of awkward ad-hoc canonicalization. It uses a clever novel technique to remove the traditional requirement that subclasses of instances of metaclasses that customize the inheritance of slot options must also be instances of that metaclass. In other words, the metaclass is fully metaclass-compatible with cl:standard-class. This provides tremendous convenience for the user, and allows subclasses to retain all the special optimizations that direct instances of cl:standard-class usually benefit from.

- cesdi seamlessly solves a set of grating API design problems in a specific part of the MOP, by implementing a more ergonomic API on top of the original.

- definitions-systems finally extracts an extremely common design pattern (traditionally written out by hand ad-nauseam or using brittle macros) into a proper simple reusable unified extensible object-oriented system offering tons of convenience features and a greatly reduced documentation burden.

- place-modifiers essentially gives access to hundreds of modify-macros through one single macro: modify. This is a natural complement to setf.

I'm also quite proud of my various trivial libraries seamlessly addressing various minor but grating issues in Common Lisp, which in aggregate greatly increase my satisfaction and productivity with the language.

Notes and tips: Standard Common Lisp symbols

July 2013 – Present

Informal yet helpful information on the standard symbols and their bindings.
Definitely one of my biggest projects yet. Still incomplete, but already useful.

Epic FORMAT table

Sept 2014 – Present

Summarizes all the features of Common Lisp's FORMAT facility in one table.

Common Lispers list

Apr 2019 – Present

Discover Common Lisp open-source contributors and their best contributions! Add yourself!

I am particularly proud of the extensive set of robust policies I quickly created for the project.

Single-handedly creating the initial list of 100 people was quite a feat, in my humble opinion.

Awesome Planck EZ keyboard configuration

November 2020

This is an extremely advanced presentation for my highly innovative Planck EZ keyboard configuration.

This highly interactive presentation is implemented in pure HTML5 and CSS3, with no JavaScript involved.

I implemented this in 5 days. The CSS is a bit scary, but probably compares favorably to the equivalent JavaScript.

I showed this to the great folks at Ergodox/ZSA and they were so impressed that they quickly offered to interview me!

TypeMatrix 2030 written by hand in raw SVG

Jan 2018

Have a look at the very clean hand-written source of the image with Ctrl-U. CHECKMATE, INKSCAPE!!

I am very proud of my design for the green LED lights in particular, for aesthetic and technical reasons.

Note that this is a DRAFT, the ridge things in particular are incomplete and ugly.

⚓ Accomplishments » Languages

⚓ Accomplishments » Awards

⚓ Accomplishments » Awards » LinkedIn

People on LinkedIn find Jean-Philippe Paradis a noteworthy contributor to collaborative articles in the following skills. Badges are reassessed every 60 days.

Top Software Development Voice 17 march 2024 15 july 2024 121 days
Top Programming Voice 2 march 2024 22 june 2024 113 days
Top Web Development Voice 13 january 2024 (Unknown)
Top Programming Voice 8 december 2023 21 february 2023 76 days
Top HTML Voice 20 september 2023 1 december 2023 73 days

⚓ Accomplishments » Certifications

⚓ Accomplishments » Test scores

âš“ Recommendations

⚓ Recommendations » Received

If you love my work, please consider giving me a recommendation!

⚓ Recommendations » Given

Pascal Costanza

I'd like to highlight one of Pascal's many important contributions to the Common Lisp community.

Pascal is the author and maintainer of closer-mop, demonstrably one of the most important Common Lisp libraries. Indeed, according to official Quicklisp downloads statistics, closer-mop was #2 in terms of direct and indirect downloads for 5 consecutive months beginning October 2017. As of January 2020, more than 100 libraries directly depend on closer-mop, which represents more than 5% of libraries in Quicklisp.

closer-mop is a compatibility layer that smoothes out many unfortunate differences between implementations of the Metaobject Protocol (MOP) across several Common Lisp implementations. The CLOS MOP is one of Common Lisp's crown jewels, it is the single most important de-facto standard extension to Common Lisp, and it remains one of Common Lisp's most distinguishing features to this day. Were it not for Pascal's diligent work, the MOP would probably be impractical enough to use to be mostly of academic interest, whereas closer-mop enables everyone to confidently innovate using this feature almost as if it had been part of the Common Lisp standard all along.

Pascal's work deserves greater recognition.

Alexander Artemenko

Alexander is a very productive Common Lisp engineer who single-handedly liberated the Common Lisp community from Quicklisp's monthly release cycle with Ultralisp, an alternative Quicklisp dist which features instant updates without prior review needed. I still submit my libraries to Quicklisp, but personally I entirely switched from the Quicklisp dist to the Ultralisp dist.

Alexander's Common Lisp Project of the Day initiative is an interesting step towards fixing our Discoverability Problem, already featuring more than 200 projects! This is a truly outstanding effort!

Alexander is a great asset to the Common Lisp community, so please consider supporting him on Patreon!

Vincent Dardel

Vindarel is a very valuable Common Lisp Open Source contributor and advocate.

(And 2 others.)